Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I have been noticing lately that a lot of songs out there are about being young and having fun and just staying young as you age... a lot of the artists singing them are in their late 20s, early 30s and older... No one that is 21 years old is singing about staying young and to me it seems that everyone that is 21 is getting married, having kids, or at the very least, moving in with someone. All i have to say to that is... you're crazy. Now, don't get me wrong, I think that if you have found "the one" then that is fantastic for you and you should definitely not let them go, but I am also saying... WHAT'S THE RUSH?! I know life is short... and that is such a double edged sword of a statement/thought. Life is short so we should hurry up and find that one and be in love and have babies and accomplish everything we can... ORRR Life is short so we should just party and have fun and enjoy ourselves while we can and take advantage of life as it is... WHAT!!

Anyway... Lately I feel like all anyone cares about is who your dating and when you're getting married... Maybe that's cause I live in Utah... Maybe it's cause everyone else seems to have a boyfriend and seems to be getting married... I dunno, but my question is... If I can't be young, single, and do whatever I want when I'm 21, THEN WHEN CAN I?!

I am seriously enjoying being 21 and single... I never thought I would say that... And I am kind of being a hypocrite, because not too long ago I couldn't wait to be married and was planning on that happening right about, well, now... But perspectives have changed and I am thanking God for that everyday. I am having a hard enough time starting my senior year of COLLEGE single and living at home... I can't imagine having a husband and a house and so many more responsibilities that I could have...

I guess what I am saying is just...
do what makes you happy...
and let other people do the same! Whether that means being single, married, traveling, singing, dancing, partying, having babies, going to school, working, whatever.

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