Wednesday, May 4, 2011


has always been a big thing in my life. i'm not musically talented, actually i'm more challenged, but i love listening to music. it has saved my life many, many times.. especially in the last 3 years of my life. it has kept me up when i've been way too far down. listening to a life changing song is exactly that... life changing. life altering. mind blowing. makes my head spin. it makes me spin. i love it. there are some songs that i have gotten from shows like Grey's Anatomy and One Tree Hill that are amazing. those shows are so great and make my world so much easier just because of the incredible music thats on it...

the other thing that makes music in my life so amazing is listening to it with my friends. just driving and jamming out to whatever music fits our lives right at that moment. even if the lyrics are stupid and really have nothing to do with us. we can still relate somehow to the beat. this is so incredibly lame and cheesy, but it music connects people. young people like me. we need music. any kind of music. whatever music you like. i don't care if it's britney spears, the killers, miley cyrus, cyndi lauper, the avett brothers, joe purdy, snow patrol, we the kings, justin bieber, taylor swift, alabama, journey, michael jackson. or all of it. if it affects you. changes you. makes you who you are. then you know what i'm talking about. have you ever been asked "Would you rather be deaf or blind?" yeah, well i'd rather be neither, but if i had to choose, i would say blind. because i can't imagine not having music in my life. not listening to music would change my world for the worse. i am just grateful that there are people in the world that are musically talented because i don't know where i would be if it weren't for some of the songs and artists that have saved my life.

"You were wrong yesterday when you said the kids in the clubs were just there for decadence. I think it's more like romance and hope and inspiration and that feeling that you get when other human beings pick up basic instruments and make sense of your world. And the day that I think it's just about making money is gonna be the day that I've betrayed everything I believe in about music and life and myself." -- Peyton Sawyer (OTH)

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